29 July 2016

The slumber of ramble

There is vastness surrounding us that it boggles the mind. We are so very connected, you and I. So intimate with this space that I feel your thoughts; their gravity and we rotate and revolve. Like every atom scaling the system up or down; the mimicry to infinity, our perceived universe.

So we come together here to collaborate or collide our thoughts. The power we have in unison belays the senses and the singular talent of save a few overwhelm. Our children inherit all of this. The grandeur of this palace to which we've only ever known. Do you feel it's smaller than your imagination? Or do you feel the awe at the simple act of bird taking flight? A crocodile submerging? A fat little pig farting? A plankton floating? A lava flow? A slight change in the breeze?

Our angels are all very little and beating the drums of our symphonies. We are one with them and I miss mine so when away. Any fleeting or lasting wonder or resentment is theirs to abandon or inherit. Can we compel the wonder and preserve our own faith in what we know to be true? I for one believe we are vastly underestimating our current and future capacity for greatness.

Let us keep redefining what we know. Let us listen. Will you help me listen?

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