10 July 2016

The Idea Is To Hold Tight To Let Go

There have been a lot of thoughts that many thinkers have had, once upon a wondrous blue. Something like that might even make sense to the kid in you. I hope it does, because frankly I am out of touch with that kid I knew. Well that isn't entirely true ...

I definitely did not intend to start this off with absurd rhymes but there it is and really it's not so bad. What I am doing here is committing to add thoughts that are stretched tightly, and let them go. My aim is to put them forth in a manner that pulls out the inner workings of kindness and humility. Really, no joke. Likely, drivels at first but amongst small steps and wanderings a mean line of advance will take form.


I am quite certain that certain persons alive now, in the past and quite certainly in the future, revel quietly in their immense joy at seeing other things suffer. Whoa! Profound, I know. However, I am a simple man who is searching for stones of truth to put in the sun and warm a back on. For I am bored of human ignorance and apathy. We are so very good at breeding and the balance of poor choices is tipping decidedly against us.

Gloom and doom is not what I want to write about, but I have come to lay bare my own treacheries of logic.


Imagine a stream. It runs through rolling grassy hills. In the distant there are mountains that stretch high into the blue midday sun; snow capped and forested they beckon your gaze. In the other direction, not as far, lies the rolling sound of waves on a fine white sand beach and the laughter and shouts of children at play can be heard. Your feet are in the river and its cool but refreshing. You are alone and have no past. The future weeks' meals tumble like rocks in the river over your mind. You've lived to see the sun and know its path across the sky. To know the calls of the birds and smells of vegetation and earth. Your sense of self is keen and your ideas revolve around kin and kith. You turn to the stars at night and bask in their glorious wonder as the fire dies. You are primal and your life uncertain. You'd give much for more certainty. Or would you?

We have all lived there or nearly there or just over the next hill or on the hotter drier side of those mountains. We owned and still own those thoughts and some if not most still gesticulate and seduce our egos, or the psyche of others, for assurances we so badly want to bank on. We build unifications, and have likely always done so, some physical mostly not. To fortify our minds and protect our kindred from the vacuum of space. The rays of sunlight damage and the winter's cold bites. We are unable to pile up our defences without hindering someone else, and so it perpetuates; and so there are no assurances.

We are so very hungry and so very alone, and that is ok. Let us tempt ourselves into the hall of balancing balls. Team works, and this has always been and will always be our way forward.


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