10 March 2019

NSW Political Stew 2019


We live in forgotten times. Another decade on and the government leaders who we are to choose from continue to abandon leadership, and reason for that matter, pandering to the greed of business at the expense of our environment. The waywardness of our society is disheartening. As these politicians are merely reflections of our communities of ourselves. I suppose we have much unaccounted self-loathing/pity of our misgivings and contempt for the world around us that we cannot discern the lie from truth. Therefore from where I sit it only seems to strengthen the position that I am the lunatic and everyone else is normal. That my belief of government making the hard choices towards austerity and conservation of our wilderness, towards a zero-carbon-emission economy, towards a heavily weighted research science industry, towards a completely public health care system, towards a trade or university-level education that is gauranteed to all without debt, and towards tax-based public transportation that provides improvements for free rapid transit locally, regionally amd interstate. So I guess I am the lunatic and all these quality individuals that present themselves up for election and re-election are the sane ones.

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