My whole life I fought back stupidity. At year five in primary school I distinctly remember being told by someone I deeply respected, at that time, that without any uncertainy in their mind, that I was stupid. Though, at the time, in that person's defense, I am quite certain that they would have had no idea of how that comment from them would be branded into my existence. The comment was indelibly a verification, at the right moment and the right time, of how I felt about myself. So naturally I fought back. Not in that specific instance, but in general terms. I began fighting myself, to be, not stupid. How silly, right? I mean honestly how does one fight their own stupidity? Well I've spent thirty-odd years attempting to do just that and it may have finally caught up with me.
However, it will undoubtedly not be the end of me. And, yes, through determination and perservance I will continue the fight even after this knock down. Not because I see the solution, but because, I suppose, I am too stupid to give up.
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