06 May 2021

PhD Genesis

In the now distant past of my late teens I found myself bobbing endless days (and nights) on the flight deck of a nuclear powered aircraft carrier. My thoughts often went to wondering how the ocean worked. What forces were at play? Did water flow around the entire planet or was it confined to the basins? If it circulated, how long did it take? What was the driving force? The rotation of earth? The tides? The wind? How was water exchanged on the surface with water thousands of feet below? How with the endless heat of the sun did not all the water evaporate? How fast did the water move at ocean floor? Why was it always a certain salty-ness? And so on, and so forth, the questions came. So after leaving the USN I headed off to University in pursuit of answering these questions. Intent on becoming an Oceanographer. In achieving that goal by earning a Masters of Science in Ocean Science through UC Santa Cruz I gained a keen interest in data analysis as it relates to earth science and particularly the ocean.

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